All posts by cevinius
A Fantastic, New Robotics Community!
I’ve started hanging out with a cool, new, online robotics community!
It’s brand new, so the paint may still be a little wet. However, it is already FULL of the most talented and experienced robot makers you’ll find anywhere.
You’ll meet intelligent people, get answers and help to your robot projects, and best of all, you’ll have fun!
They are the funniest and most welcoming people you’ll find.
Go check it out! 😀
COR – Cassette Operated Robot! (ZOMG – So Retro!)
Here’s a trip down memory lane… The very first robot I made as a kid! 80’s Retro Chic! 😛
Check out that state-of-the-art dot-matrix printed label on his front!! And I designed that logo too. 😀
COR – Cassette Operated Robot (Even the name sounds 80s.)
Continue reading COR – Cassette Operated Robot! (ZOMG – So Retro!)
Trying out Robugtix’s T8X Robot Spider
My friend just received his Robugtix T8X when I went to visit him yesterday, so we opened it up to try out together! Very awesome robot!!! I’m so impressed by its design and movements.
Detailed MobBob Build Instructions
Here are some more detailed steps to help you build MobBob V2.
MobBob app is now on Google Play!
To make it easier for people to install and update, I’ve now put the MobBob app on Google Play.
I’ll be putting future app updates there, so you will get updates automatically. 😀
MobBob Wiring Diagram!
A few people from Thingiverse have been asking how to wire up MobBob. So, I made a diagram. Let me know if you have any questions or hit any problems.
After hearing from a few people, there is one thing I should clarify about the diagram! The positions of the wires in the diagram are not the positions they are coming out of the servo!
The red wire is usually the “+” wire, and is usually the centre wire.
The yellow (not always yellow!) wire is the “pulse” wire, and is one of the side wires.
The black  (or often brown) wire is the “-” wire.
Sphero Companion Updated!
I’ve just submitted an updated version of Sphero Companion to Google Play. It is still completely free for all Sphero fans to play with.
Simplebotics did an awesome article about my Sphero Companion app! :D
Big thanks to Simplebotics for being interested in my app.
It has fired me up to add more features to it this weekend! 😀